PancakeSwap price, charts, marketcap and other stats

$ 1.99
0.00002917 BTC
$ 458,997,547
Volume (24h)
$ 35,091,576
Circulating Supply
230,854,978 CAKE
Total Supply
383,817,829 CAKE

What is PancakeSwap?

Pancakeswap is a multichain decentralized exchange that has become the go-to platform for trading cryptocurrencies. It is built on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum and Aptos Network.

Pancakeswap is community-driven and user-focused. It was created to provide a decentralized trading platform that gives users more control over their funds and eliminates the need for intermediaries such as centralized exchanges. You have 100% ownership of your own crypto.

The platform is known for its low transaction fees, fast processing times, and ease of use, making it easy for beginners to start trading cryptocurrencies. The platform is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of technical knowledge. This means that even if you are new to cryptocurrency trading, you can quickly learn how to use Pancakeswap and start trading. (Source:

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* Currency in USD
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