
This is the Privacy Policy for

We take your privacy concerns seriously, and only collect personal information for specific purposes related to this website. We do not share or sell your information to scammers or spammers, nor do we use it for illegal purposes.

What information do we collect?

Basic information related to your web browser is collected and used to enhance your experience of the site and to keep you logged in if appropriate.

If you provide your name and email address in order to receive our newsletter or promo emails we will not use that information for any other purpose without your permission.

Information related to payments and transactions

We may collect your credit card, crypto wallet or other payment details to enable purchases and other transactions. In these cases we will not use your information for any other purpose. For purchases made using our affiliate links from third party sites, we will not collect your payment details at all.

Information related to persons under the age of 13

Our website is intended for persons aged 18 and over. We do not knowingly collect any information related to persons under the age of 13. Parents or guardians of persons under the age of 13 are encouraged to contact us if they have any concerns.

Your Rights under CCPA

We protect the rights of California residents as provided for under the terms of CCPA. The below is a basic summary of those rights:

  • The right to know about the personal information a business collects about them and how it is used and shared
  • The right to delete personal information collected from them (with some exceptions)
  • The right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of their personal information
  • The right to non-discrimination for exercising their CCPA rights
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal information that a business has about them
  • The right to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information collected about them.

Please feel free to contact us in relation to your rights under CCPA.

This Privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Last updated on 11 May 2024.